Components and Modules

Components and Modules

This page describes how to add components to cabinets and racks, modules to components as well as stand alone components inside rooms.

Select Add component from the room properties or from the context menu within the sidebar navigation module.

You can also enter the cabinet view mode by double clicking on the cabinet and place components directly inside. Components do not always need to be mounted on to cabinets and racks, they can be placed directly inside rooms as well.



Place Components in Racks


Components in the catalog are divided into three categories; Active, Cable and Passive.

Active components consist of routers, switches, end devices, etc.

Passive components consist of cabinets, racks, data outlets, etc.

Cables consist of permanent line cables and network patch cables.


Right clicking outside the cabinet area or in room view will bring up the context menu with the options to add cabinet to room and add component to room. Select the latter to add components inside your current room.

You can also add a tray or cable to the room from the context menu. For more information about cables and trays, go to: Cable Management.


Components can be managed with cabinets and racks in the same way as managing multiple cabinets and racks.

Select the components and cabinets you want to view and click on show selected.

You need to turn on design view to be able to move the components into the cabinet or rack.


Double Click on the Cabinet or Rack to open the component.

You can switch between the front view and the rear view of the components by pressing the F or R button (1) respectively.

Right click on an empty section of rack and select Place Component in rack (2) from the drop down menu. Select the component from local catalog (3) and click on a rack unit position to place it.

Repeat this process until all your desired components are placed in the rack and click on Create (4) to complete populating your racks or cabinets with the component definitions required for your network infrastructure.


For more information about cabinets and racks, go to: Cabinets and Racks



To add a component inside cabinets and racks directly, you can right click on the cabinet or rack and select the Place component in rack option.

Double click to select the components from the add components window and mount it on the rack. Click on create to finish placing the components.



You can also open the local catalog from the sidebar local catalog module and drag and drop the component into the cabinet or rack. Click on save to finish placing the components.


You can always reorganize your cabinet and components at any time by enabling the design mode and dragging and dropping the components to rearrange them as required.


Place Modules in Components


To add a module inside a component directly, you can right-click on the slot and select Install new module or Install existing module if the module has already been used before in your network.

For more information about slots and modules, go to: Component and Slot Context Menu







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