Cabinets and Racks
This page describes the properties of cabinets and racks and how to manage them.
Select Add cabinet from the room properties or from the context menu within the sidebar navigation module. You can enter the cabinet view mode by double clicking on the cabinet component.
In pathfinder cabinets and racks house passive and active network components such as patch panels, routers, switches and power sources.
Components such as PCs and printers do not need to be placed inside cabinets and racks.
Cabinet and Rack Overview
Double click on the room to enter it. Inside the room, you can place your component definitions. Before placing your network components like routers, switches, servers, etc., it is recommended to create a rack or cabinet to mount them in.
You can right click on the room from the navigation section or from the room area screen and Add Cabinet (1). From the local catalog (2), double click or click on Add to place cabinets and racks in the room.
You can use the design mode to move your components around inside the room. If you do not see your component in the local catalog, you can search for them in the online catalog and import them in you local catalog.