Components and Modules Context Menu

Components and Modules Context Menu

This pages describes the components and modules context menu.

Right click on a component, slot or port to open the respective context menu.

These context menus provide more options for components, slots and ports.


Component Context Menu


The component context menu provides the following options:

Place cables: Create line cable or patch cable connections for the component.

Place cables (advanced): Create line cables or patch cables as well as trays.

Create network map: Include the component in part of the network map.

Show backside/frontside: Switch between the front and rear view of the component.

Alignment: Organize the component alignment.

Move to layer: Move the component to a different layer on the cabinet.

Apply naming rule: Apply a naming rule to the component.

Relocate: Move the component to another position.

Replace: Replace the component with another component.

Copy: Copy the component and its properties.

Remove: Delete the component instance.

View connections: Get an overview of the connections for the component.

Reports: Manage and create reports for the component.

Search contained: Search for network paths, connections, etc. made by the component.

SNMP: Enable SNMP and perform SNMP related functions. for more information, go to: SNMP Query

External applications: Use external application like Telnet and Putty with this component.

Edit definition: Edit the component definition.

Properties: View the component properties.

Manage tags: Manage tags and inherited tag for this component.

History: View all change history for the component.




Slot Context Menu


Many components come with built in slots to allow different modules to be added to the component. Right click on a slot to bring up the context menu with more options for slot modules. The component slot context menu consists of the following options:

Install new module: Install a new module into the slot from the local catalog. If there is no corresponding module displayed, you can search and import the required modules from the online catalog.

Install existing module: Install a pre-existing compatible module from the the local catalog.

Remove parent module: Delete the main module containing the accompanying slots and corresponding modules.

Properties: Opens the edit component properties window.

Once a module has been placed in a slot, the module interfaces behave as ports and can perform similar port related actions through their context menus.

For more information about slots and slot modules, go to: Manage Slot Types.


Port Context Menu


Right clicking on a port will bring up the port context menu. The port context menu consists of the following options:

Single patching: Create (1:1 or 1:n) network patch cable connections.

Parallel patching: Create (n:n) network patch cable connections.

Serial patching: Create a (1:1) serial network patch cable connection.

Copy to clipboard: Copy the port to clipboard. You can drag and drop it from the clipboard on to another port, anywhere in your network, to create a cable connection.

Manage tags: Create, add and manage tags for the selected port.

Show network path: Display the network path with each hop. If the port is not connected, this option is greyed out.

Change port number: Change the port number assigned to the port.

Apply naming rule: Apply a naming rule to the port or slot module.

Remove: Delete the port or slot module from the component.

Properties: Opens the port properties. You can edit the properties of the port to rename, set status, add tags, add IP addresses and more.






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