Component Instances
This page describes how to manage existing component instances.
Select the Manage Component Instances option from the infrastructure section.
Component instances are components that are playing a role in the active network.
Component Instances
In this window, you can filter components by location, by component definition and by tags (1). You can also search for a specific component from within the network.
You can create and delete virtual machines as well as save your filters as reports for later use (2).
For more information about managing definitions of virtual machines, go to: Manage Definitions of Virtual Machines.
The filter or search results are presented here (3). You can reorder and organize the columns as required.
You can use Shift + Mouse wheel to scroll horizontally.
Manage Instances
You can click on the asterixis icon to open the option for table headers. Depending on the component, certain information may not be available in the table.
You can drag and drop the column headers to reorganize them or drop them in the “Drag a column header here to group by that column” line, to order by groups. You can combine multiple headers to create custom groups.
Double clicking on any of the location or components will take you to that location or component instance in the network.