Manage Labels

Manage Labels

This page describes how to manage labels in Pathfinder.

Select the Manage Labels option from the Analysis and Reports section.

You can create and print personalized labels here.



Manage Labels


In manage labels, you can create labels, you can edit and delete existing labels (1).

You can view your existing labels here (2). You can double click on an existing label here to edit a label as well. You can also write a short description about the label and select the label type.

Creating label templates allow quick printing of labels for network cables and components. You can create barcodes and QR-codes for your labels to allow easy access to those components in Pathfinder.


Create Labels


Creating a new label and editing an existing label are done in a similar way.

In the label editing tool, you have your main label as display here (1).

The objects placed in the label are shown here (2). Each object has a name and number assigned to it.

You can edit the properties of objects and nested objects here (3). A short description of the action performed by each field is displayed at the bottom (4).

You can customize the label size, choose barcode or QR code encoding expression, decide on the information to be printed, add company logo and more.





To get you started with creating labels, we have created two templates for cables and components:

  • Labels for Cables:


  • Labels for Components:


  • Print Multiple Labels:

To enable multiple columns, right click on the page in the report editor and choose “edit” from the context menu. In the tab, “other options” you can decide the number of columns and other properties for your label page.

If you do not see your image on the label when adding an image file (1), try changing the stretch option (2) in properties and resizing the image.

When using barcodes or QR codes (3) for your labels please make sure to use qrAuto for the Encoding (4).


This label will print the barcode for the instance in Pathfinder, the component name and the port name.

A list of placeholders used to retrieve specific information from a component or cable to print on your labels can found in the table Placeholder at the end of this page.


Print Label




To generate a printable label, go to a manage cable instance or manage component instance.

Right click on an instance to open the context menu and select Print Labels.

Select your Printer, paper type and the template format you want for the instance.

Click OK to print the label.


You can also select multiple components and cables from your instance reports to print labels for multiple components and cables.

You can create multiple labels on one page to print them all together using the multiple columns template file provided.

Go to file in FastReport and select open. Open the multiple columns file. The template will be saved in Pathfinder.


To edit the template, go to the page settings and select other options.

Here you can specify the number of columns you want.

Place your labels between the margins for an evenly spaced layout.



Generate Object memos

You can create object memos to call for information to be generated based on the cables and components. The following table describes the placeholders used to generate unique labels for your network in Pathfinder. You can print these labels and place them on your live network cable and components as well.









group name of current logged in user


first name of current logged in user


last name of current logged in user


Labels for patch and installation cables


please set encoding to qrAuto

default cable definition name as given in local and online catalog


assigned cable name

assigned cable number

cable length in meters

source location name of cable

short name of source location of cable

source building name of cable

short name of source building of cable

source floor name of cable

source room name of cable

source room number of cable

source rack name of cable

source component name of cable

source port name of cable

source port number of cable

short name of Destination location of cable

Destination building name of cable

short name of Destination building of cable

Destination floor name of cable

Destination room name of cable

Destination room number of cable

Destination rack name of cable

Destination component name of cable

Destination port name of cable

Destination port number of cable

Short name of source room


Short name of source floor


Short name of destination room


Short name of destination floor


Component name of first component in the network path


Port name of first component in the network path


Port number of first component in the network path


Component name of last component in the network path


Port name of last component in the network path


Port number of last component in the network path


custom string 1

also available for custom string 2 to 8

custom integer 1

also available for custom integer 2

custom float 1

also available for custom float 2

custom date 1

also available for custom date 2


Labels for components



please set encoding to qrAuto

Custom component definition name from local catalog


assigned component name

custom full name of the component


assigned component number

assigned short description about component

room name of component

floor name of component

building name of component

location name of component

slot position of component

left offset in millimeters of component

guarantee information about component

information about burden centre

inventory number of component

serial number of component

value of component

depreciation date of component

maintenance cycle of component

purchase date of component

installation date of component

last maintenance date of component

component left view

component top view

component width

component height

component color

layer number of component

rack alignment of component

MAC address of component

service number of component

EAN of component

additional name of component

bay count of component

rack unit of component

IP address of component

SNMP port of component

SNMP version of component

SNMP user of component

SNMP community of component

SNMP time out of component

SNMP retries of component

SNMP MIB info of component

power consumption of component

heat emission in BTU of component

mass in KG of component

max power output in Watt of component

max heat emission in BTU of component

max mass in KG of component

cooling of component

closure of component

URL of component

custom full name of component

comments on component

operating system of component

configuration of component

warranty contract of component

warranty end date of of component

known issues with component

responsible contact person for component

custom string

also 2 to 8

custom integer

also 2

custom float

also 2

custom date

also 2





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