Place Installation Cables Connections (Advanced)

Place Installation Cables Connections (Advanced)

This page describes how to create installation cable instances in Pathfinder using the second and more advanced method.

Select the Place Cables (Advanced) option from the cable management section.

A installation cable is part of the network backbone which function as a permanent cabling in the active network.



You can select the source components and ports here (1).

You can select the destination components and ports here (2).

You can manage installation cables, create new installation cables and delete existing cables, here you can also search for installation cables placed in trays (3).

Here you can see an overview of your installation cables and the wires that are running through it (4).

Once you have selected the ports and installation cables, click on Hookup Ports (5) to create the connection.


For more information about creating installation cables, go to: Create Installation Cable Connections.

For more information about searching for cable trays, go to: Search Existing Trays.


By using a tray with a OM1 24x2 cable definition, i.e. a installation cable with 24 fibers bundles with 2 fibers in each bundle, we have 48 fiber wires available for use. We can use single fibers for a simplex connection or create duplex connections with two fibers combined in an installation cable.


After the wires have been selected, click here (1) to select the cable type and definition. cables, which have already been created, can be deleted here (2) as well.

For more information about cable types and definitions, go to: Manage Line Definitions.

You can use many kinds of cable definitions. For more information about cable definitions, go to: Create Cable Definition.




To connect components and ports, perform the following steps:

  1. Select your line cable.

  2. Specify the number of wires you want to use for the ports.

  3. Select the source and destination ports.

  4. and click on Hookup Ports.

For more information about cable properties, go to: Cable Properties.