Add Installation Cables

Add Installation Cables

This page describes how to create installation cable instances in Pathfinder.

Select the Add Cables option from the cable management section.

A installation cable is part of the network backbone which function as a permanent cabling in the active network.


Select Cable Type


To add a cable in your network, first select the  cable type and definition (1). You can also create a new cable definition yourself.

Usually, name and a number are generated automatically (2). Uncheck the box if you want to assign them yourself.

Finally decide whether to add the cable in a cable tray (3).

To learn more about creating new cable definitions, go to: Create Cable Definitions.


Tray Selection


If you have chosen to install your cables through a tray, you will need to select a tray.

Here you can search for an existing tray(1). For more information about searching for existing trays, go to: Search Existing Trays.

If a tray does not exist between your desired locations, you can also create one yourself (2). For more information about how to create trays, go to: Create Cable Trays.

The cable overview by tray (3) shows information about your selected tray. You can also find information about the number of fibers in your cable and their types.

The fiber/strand column provides information about the cable wiring as single mode/ multi mode/ copper wire.


Click on Next for an overview of your cables and click on Finish to complete installing your cables and tray.


You can now place the cable source and destination information.


Select Cable Source and Destination



If you have chosen to install your cable without a tray, you will be asked to select the cable source and destination locations.

Click on Next for an overview of your cables and click on Finish to complete installing your cables.

You will be asked whether you would like to place the cables you just installed.

Once you have added the installation cable in your network, you can easily connect components to the backbone using the unassembled cables.

For more information about how to place the newly installed cables, go to: Place Installation Cable Connections (Advanced).






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