Importing existing data

Importing existing data

In Pathfinder it is possible to import existing data, if it is available as .csv or Excel file.

The first row of the file defines the structure of the document, you can find the available constants here. When importing the scheme must be adjusted accordingly.

In this example the demo database is extended by several interconnected racks and components.

First the Import Infrastructure assistant in the Import section is used to create the new components in Pathfinder.

Start by adjusting the scheme to match your file's structure. Use Load scheme to import a predefined scheme. You can also save schemes locally for later use.

Find the scheme file used in the example for download here.

In the next step the .csv file containing the actual data is loaded. You can download the file used in the example here.

The data is now displayed. We recommend checking it for errors. 

Select Test Run in the next step to simulate the import first in order to rule out errors.

Decide wether floors and rooms shall be identified by their name or number and grant permissions to create or update certain objects if necessary.

Pathfinder expects a component's rack position to be its top edge. If in your file the rack position marks the bottom edge, tick the corresponding option.

After a successful test run click Back and untick Test Run.

Now the import can be processed. Finally confirm, that the imported data shall actually be saved in the database.

Afterwards use the Import Patch and Hookup Cables assistant to import connections. The process is mostly the same as for the infrastructure import.

Scheme file: import_installation_cables.sch

Import file: import_installation_cables.csv

Finally import the patch connections the same way.

Scheme file: import_patch_cables.sch

Import file: import_patch_cables.csv

This concludes the import process and the imported structures are available in Pathfinder.

Use the design mode to move and scale component symbols to match reality.

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