Component Definition Properties

Component Definition Properties


This page describes the category and component properties.

The category properties describe the category.

The component properties describe specifications and characteristics of the component definition.

You can edit the property fields or create your own component definition.



Category Properties


The category properties consist of the following fields:

Name: Name of the category.

Description: Write a description about the category.

Icon: Add an icon to the category.

Background color: Set the background color.

Text color: Set the text color.

Caption position: Set the position of captions in category.

Transparency: Set level of transparency.

Padding: Set level of padding.


Component Definition Properties


The component definition properties describe some of the more important properties of the component definition here:

Name German: The name of the component definition in German.

Name English: The name of the component definition in English.

Default instance name German: The searchable name in the local and online catalog in German.

Default instance name English: The searchable name in the local and online catalog in English.

Manufacturer: Information about the vendor.

Description: Description about the component.

Product number: The component product number.

Number of ports: The number of ports available in this component.

Number of instances: The number of the selected component definition placed in the active network. This field has an extended menu which opens the manage component instances window for the selected component. You can double click on a component instance to open it.

ClassName: An unique class name given to the component based on the component type used to define the characteristics and functionalities of the component.

Usage Threshold in [%]: The number of ports occupied in this component shown as a percentage.

It also describes the physical properties and specification of the component definitions, the front view color of the component in Pathfinder, front and back view pictures of the physical component and supporting documents like user manual and warranty.

All the fields can be edited but information regarding all component definitions, preloaded and available in the online catalog, have be provided based on the original component specifications and standards. Changes made to an existing component can cause unpredictable behavior. Changes made here also affect component instances.

For more information about creating and editing component definitions, go to: Component Designer.








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