Manage Object Permissions

Manage Object Permissions

This pages describes how to manage object permissions in Pathfinder.

Select the manage object permissions option from the system section.

You can grant access to specific locations, infrastructures and components.


Manage Object Permissions


Object permissions define the rights to read, write and delete objects. Access such as to only view a component or to create components in infrastructures and so on can be managed here.

To manage the read, write and delete permissions for infrastructures and components, select the corresponding icon from the Rights column.


The read/write/delete permissions work in sequence with the users/groups and objects. Which means, you have to assign the permission labels to both the objects as well as the users/groups you want the permission to apply to.


Example: You can prevent specific users or groups from deleting specific components and racks by placing the same read label with read only rights on both the component and the group.


Assign Security Label


Here you can select the security label for your object permission.

You can also create a new object permission security label or delete an existing one.

Click on OK to confirm your settings.



You can select how you want to assign the labels. You can choose the following:

Overwrite: Overwrite all current labels with new label for selected and all nested objects.

Adapt: Add new labels to current labels for selected and all nested objects.

Single: Overwrite all current labels with new label for the selected object.


More information about the security label is available in the next page.






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