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Manage Groups

This pages describes how to manage groups and group permissions in Pathfinder

Select the Manage Groups options from the systems section.

You can manage group members and group permissions here.


Manage Groups


In the group management dialog window, you can create new groups and manage or delete exiting groups.

Create functional permissions for groups and add users to the groups to grant all users in the group with the group functional permissions.

Select an existing group and click next to edit the user properties and permission.

You can also create a new user account or delete an existing user account.


To create a new group, fill out the following information fields:

Name: Assign a name to your group.

Description: Write a short description about the group.

Email: Assign the group email address.

Click Next to continue.





Group Members


Once your group is created, you can assign users to that group.

You can select individual users to add to the group or click on the group name to select all users at once.

Click on Next to continue.



Group Functional Permissions


In this dialog window, you can assign the functional permissions to your groups.

While most permissions work stand alone for the specific function, some only work in combination with others.

For more information about functional permission for groups, go to: Manage Functional Permissions.

Click on Finish to complete creating your group.