Search contained
The search contained feature leverages the asset management feature of Pathfinder and helps you get a clear understanding of the content within any infrastructure, component or device.
Simply put, the option allows you to search for instances of all components, patch cables, installation cables and network paths inside an object.
Taking this rack for example, the content of this rack can be visually noted in the rack’s front view. You can use the search contained to create a report of this.
Right click on the rack to open the context menu. Go to Search contained and select the content you would like to view. In the dialog window you can maximize the filter/search section to view the location and component information.
You will notice that the location information is already filled out based on your current position and selection. Depending on the option selected, you will also find appropriate constraints on the component parameters.
Select the columns you want to display by clicking on the asterixis on the top left corner of the table.
Patch cables
Installation cables
Network paths