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The following examples have been tested with Python 3. In order to authenticate with Pathfinder Server you need to provide an API key.

Check connectivity with PFS (authenticated and non-authenticated endpoints)

import json from types import SimpleNamespace from urllib.error import HTTPError import requests import urllib3 baseUrl = "https://localhost:8087/api/v1.0/" # <- address of your Pathfinder-Server apiKey = "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX" # <- put your API-key here endpointStatus = "info/status" endpointPing = "info/status/ping" # get a deserialized result from PFS def pfs_get(endpoint: str): try: get_result = requests.get(baseUrl + endpoint, verify=False, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey}) except HTTPError as http_error: print(f"HTTP error occured: {http_error}") except Exception as exc: print(f"Exception occured: {exc}") else: if get_result.status_code == 200: result = json.loads( get_result.text, object_hook=lambda d: SimpleNamespace(**d)) return result elif get_result.status_code == 401: print("Authentication error (401)") return else: print(f"An error occured. Status code {get_result.status_code}") return def get_success(object): if object: return "OK" else: return "Failed" def main(): # suppresses warning about self signed certificate, don't use in production urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) print("Call without authorization...") print(get_success(pfs_get(endpointStatus))) print("Call with authorization...") print(get_success(pfs_get(endpointPing))) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": main()


Example output:

Call without authorization...
Call with authorization...

Display the network paths of a port

import json from types import SimpleNamespace from urllib.error import HTTPError import requests import urllib3 baseUrl = "https://localhost:8087/api/v1.0/" # <- address of your Pathfinder-Server apiKey = "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX" # <- put your API-key here endpointNetworkPaths = "infrastructure/ports/{portId}/networkpath" # get a deserialized result from PFS def pfs_get(endpoint: str): try: get_result = requests.get(baseUrl + endpoint, verify=False, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey}) except HTTPError as http_error: print(f"HTTP error occured: {http_error}") except Exception as exc: print(f"Exception occured: {exc}") else: if get_result.status_code == 200: result = json.loads( get_result.text, object_hook=lambda d: SimpleNamespace(**d)) return result elif get_result.status_code == 401: print("Authentication error (401)") return else: print(f"An error occured. Status code {get_result.status_code}") return # output details of a nwp def print_nwp_info(nwp): print(f"Id: {nwp.NetworkPathId}") print(f"Name: {nwp.NetworkPathName}") print(f"Start-Location: {nwp.StartComponentInfo.LocationPath}") print(f"Start-Device: {nwp.StartComponentInfo.ComponentPath}") print(f"Start-Port: {nwp.StartPortName} #{nwp.StartPortNumber}") print(f"End-Location: {nwp.EndComponentInfo.LocationPath}") print(f"End-Device: {nwp.EndComponentInfo.ComponentPath}") print(f"End-Port: {nwp.EndPortName} #{nwp.EndPortNumber}") print(f"End-Room: {nwp.EndComponentInfo.RoomName}") def main(): # suppresses warning about self signed certificate, don't use in production urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) portId = 26375 networkPaths = pfs_get(endpointNetworkPaths.format(portId=portId)) if (networkPaths): nwpCount = len(networkPaths.Items) if nwpCount > 0: print(f"Number of network paths: {nwpCount}") for nwp in networkPaths.Items: print_nwp_info(nwp) return 0 else: print(f"No network path found for port {portId}") return 0 return -1 if __name__ == "__main__": main()


Example output:

Number of network paths: 1
Id: 149
Name: NWP Port 17 <-> LAN
Start-Location: Universität>Rechenzentrum>EG-EG>EVT-0001
Start-Device: RACK-01>SW-Nortel ERS 4548 GT-PWR-10
Start-Port: Port 17 #17
End-Location: Universität>Rechenzentrum>EG-EG>0010-0010
End-Device: PC-121
End-Port: LAN #1
End-Room: 0010