Active Directory
This page describes how to connect with Active Directory services.
You can connect pathfinder to an Active Directory server for authentication, user and group management.
User information includes the person's full name, username, password, email address and other personal information.
Group information includes the name of the group and the users that belong to the group.
The internal directory stores user and group information in the pathfinder database. You can also connect to external user directories.
Connecting to a Microsoft Active Directory
Admin privileges are required to configure the directory services and apply changes.
Click on test to check connectivity to the external directory.
Click on OK to save your changes.
Please see the Configuration for Active Directory table below for more information on the required fields.
When using Active Directory Autologin (SSO) can be enabled for users logged to the domain.
Configuration for Active Directory
Connection | |
Host | <your_host> |
Port | 636 (SSL) or 389 (no SSL) |
use SSL | Yes/No |
Timeout | 3000 |
Username | <your_binduser>@<> |
Password | <your_password> |
Autologin (SSO) |
Schema settings | |
Base DN | dc=<your>,dc=<domain>,dc=<com> |
User bind DN | {0}@<> |
User DN | cn=Users (or cn=user or the name of your users folder) |
Group DN |
Properties Mapping | |
User search string | person |
Groups search string | group |
Username | sAMAccountName |
User First Name | givenName |
User Last Name | sn |
User Description | description |
User Group identifier | cn |
User Groups | memberOf |
User E-Mail | |
User Primary group ID | PrimaryGroupID |
User object Sid | objectSid |
GroupName | name |
Group Description | description |
Group Users | member |
Group identifier | cn |
Object identifier | objectGUID |
Primary group token | PrimaryGroupToken |
Group object Sid | objectSid |
For reference see Search Filter Syntax.