Location to Room
Once you have selected a location, you can tap on a building and see its floors.
Tap to select a floor.
You can now select a room. R stands for rack, A for active and P for passive components within rooms.
Component Display
Once you have selected a room, you will see a list of components.
Select a device to get an overview of the ports as both a top view graphic and list. In the top view, you see patched ports (green) and free ports (blue) as well as defect ports (red).
In the list, you find symbols for "connected" and "available" next to the ports on the right.
To get a better view of the graphic, use the arrows on the right to open a detailed view in an new window. Zoom in and out by pulling with two fingers.
Cabinet View
Pathfinder Mobile offers you great overviews of cabinets. On the right next to te graphic you find the legend. At the bottom, you can select between front and rear view as well as different cabinet levels.
Network Path Display
Tip on a port in the list to see the network path. This is a great way to understand how any specific port is integrated into your network.
Make Modifications to Ports
Tap on any port and press down to open a menu which allows you to mark the port as defect or revserve it.
This is how to create patchings on the go from your mobile device:
Tap and press down on a port in the list or tap on the symbol on the right next to the port to open a dialog. Select the port as patch source. Then go back to select a patch target by wiping to the right or tapping on the desired area in the action bar. Your selection of source and target will be shown in the menu.
Tap on "Save" to confirm your selection.
Remove Patchings
You can also easily remove patchings. Open the menu by tapping on the port and pressing down, then select "remove patch".
To keep track of all your work steps, the action bar on top shows a number telling you how many steps you have performed so far. Tap on the number to open a list with all your work steps.