Check component for SNMP compatibility.
Enable and configure SNMP on component instances and corresponding components on your physical network.
Active components can support public, standardized or manufacturer specific MIBs. The live view shows which ports are currently occupied and provides information about the connected devices. It provides names, IP and Mac addresses and further information about the integrated modules.
You can update your results and stop the update process. You can retrieve hostnames and configure SNMP scan settings here (1).
Component information and OID is displayed here (2).
Information about the component’s ports and slots are displayed here (3).
Click on OK to close the live view.
SNMP Scan Setting
In the SNMP scan settings, you can select the name lookup for local and remote DNS.
Click on OK to confirm the scan settings.
The live view shows which ports are currently occupied and provides information about the connected devices. It provides names, IP and Mac addresses and further information about the integrated modules.
SNMP live view
You can find the supported MIBs in another dialog that you can access by right click.
SNMP supported MIBs
Active components can support standardized or manufacturer specific MIBs. With this wizard you can administer the supported MIBs according to the type of device.
MIB management
With the MIB browser you can retrieve specific features based on the corresponding MIBs.
MIB browser
Pathfinder provides a handy tree structure on the left hand side.
MIB browser tree structure
You can enter further SNMP access data in the MIB browser. To do this, click on the gear wheel in the task bar and open the SNMP config dialog.
Enter more access data
You can find a summary of the previous steps in our video tutorial: