Command Line Installation

Command Line Installation

Here are all command line options that the Pathfinder installer offers:

You can also display them by executing the installer with /Help or /? to get an overview of all options:

> C:\Pathfinder- /help




For software distribution environments we recommend the following ones:


Disables the "This will install... Do you wish to continue?" prompt at the beginning of Setup.


When a setup is very silent the installation progress window is not displayed.



Instructs Setup to suppress message boxes.




C:\Pathfinder- /SP- /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /LOG="Pathfinder-Install.log" /TASKS="desktopicon"



Additional shared files and folders to distribute:


License information (required).


Configuration files and database connection info (required).


Local databases (like SQLite or FireBirdEmbedded) (optional).


Custom topview icons (*.svg) can be added here for the component property instpector to be used (optional).


Custom folder import/export data (optional).


Custom folder floorplans (.svg,.dxf,.dwg,.pdf, u.a.) (optional).