

This page describes the most common properties of floors in Pathfinder.

Select Add floor from the building properties or from the context menu within the navigation sidebar module.

You can fill in the fields to create properties for your floors.




After you have created your buildings, you can add floors to your building in the same way.

Right click on your newly created building from the navigation section or map and select add floor from the context menu.

Double clicking on the building name in the navigation sidebar module will take you inside the building where you can see your floor definitions. You can also add floors to your building from inside the building through the context menu.

For buildings, you have the option to load a image (1) or generate pre-rendered views of the background (2); for floors, you can load an AutoCAD .DWG file as the background image.

You can edit the viewing area using the (3) zoom in and out, scale to best fit and resize components in design mode (F12) options available in the bottom right corner of the screen.

You can also arrange the floor object size in design mode (4).

For more information on floor design management, go to: Floor Design Mode



The floor properties consist of the following fields:

Number: Assign a number to th