With this wizard you can assign MIBs to a component definition. Choose a component on the left side and a MIB on the right side, then click on "apply" to connect them.
Mockup |
initialResourceID | 2278E287-509B-183B-1098-2EC38DDDB7D8 |
platformArchiveID | att2692743223 |
Alignment | Center |
downloadLink | /download/attachments/28049536/balsamiq_2278E287-509B-183B-1098-2EC38DDDB7D8_Master.png |
jwt | eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiI1ZjlmZTg3NmFlYTQ2ODAwNmE4OTIxMzciLCJxc2giOiI0YjY0NWNhNmY1M2Y3MWFjM2I4Yzc5NDFiNDAxYzEwNWQ5NjgwMjk0ODc5OTdhODM1OTRhOTc0Mjk3ODg4ZmE0IiwiaXNzIjoiQ29uZmx1ZW5jZTozMzMzODM2MTM2IiwiY29udGV4dCI6e30sImV4cCI6MTYxNTk4MjYxNiwiaWF0IjoxNjE1OTgyNDM2fQ.ByH1sYHWou3A1j1A4Jw2WB9kbD0rIsIqLY-dekj32T8 |
resourceName | |
initialBranchID | Master |
When you assign a SNMP MIB file to a component definition, all future component instances of that definition will have the MIBs assigned to them.
You can view the components in your local catalog here (1).
You can view the MIB files here (2).
You can also manage MIBs here (3).