Select Scheme
The ability to import infrastructure allows you to quickly and easily create a large amount of infrastructure and components in a nested hierarchy in Pathfinder.
Select the type of scheme you want and click Next.
You can also load schemes and save as templates here.
Tip |
Please make sure to set your column headers with the same title as the current scheme. The fields are case sensitive. |
Select File
Click on load from file to import the file from your local system. The function supports Excel file types for import.
Click on in Pathfinder Next to execute the file import.
Here is an example schema file and the corresponding excel infrastructure import file. you You can use this template as the base for your network.
Import Infrastructure Schema File:
View file | ||
Import Infrastructure Excel File:
View file | ||
Identifying constant | Data type | Description |
CampusLatitude | Double | Latitudinal position of the location |
CampusLongitude | Double | Longitudinal position of the location |
CampusName | Text | Location name |
CampusShortName | Text | Location short name |
CampusStreet | Text | Location street |
CampusZip | Text | Location ZIP |
CampusCity | Text | Location city |
CampusCountry | Text | Location country |
CampusDescription | Text | Location description |
BuildingLatitude | Double | Latitudinal position of the building |
BuildingLongitude | Double | Longitudinal position of the building |
BuildingName | Text | Building name |
BuildingShortName | Text | Building short name |
FloorName | Text | Floor name |
FloorNumber | Text | Floor number |
FloorShortName | Text | Floor short name |
FloorFilePath | Text | Path to a file attached to a floor |
FloorFileMode | Text | Valid values: Link, DB, LinkAsBg, DBAsBg Link = as a link to the file DB = file is saved in database LinkAsBg = as a link to the file and used as background DBAsBg = file is saved in database and used as background default value: DB |
RoomName | Text | Room name |
RoomShortName | Text | Room short name |
RoomNumber | Text | Room number |
RoomDescription | Text | Room description |
RoomHeight | Text | Room height (optional) |
RoomWidth | Text | Room width (optional) |
RoomLength | Floating-point number | Room length (optional) |
RoomArea | Floating-point number | Room area (optional) |
ComponentDefName | Text | Component definition name (must match catalog) |
ComponentName | Text | Component name (must be unique in its room) |
ComponentNameNew | Text | Use this to update a component name |
ComponentDescription | Text | Component description (optional) |
ComponentComment | Text | Component comment (optional) |
ComponentSlotPosition | Text | Slot position in parent component (only required for built-in components) |
ParentSlotNumber | Integer | Slot number in parent component for the module |
ComponentImportAsModule | Boolean | Define whether the component is a module or not |
ComponentBayPosition | Text | Bay position in parent component (only required for built-in components) |
ComponentLayerNumber | Integer | Layer in a cabinet, default=1 (optional) |
ComponentLeftOffsetMM | Integer | Component left offset in a cabinet (optional) |
ComponentBurdenCentre | Text | Burden center (optional) |
ComponentInventoryNumber | Text | Inventory number (optional) |
ComponentSerialNumber | Text | Serial number (optional) |
ComponentServiceNumber | Text | Service number (optional) |
ComponentGuarantee | Text | Guarantee (optional) |
ComponentLastMaintenance | Date | Last Maintenance (optional) |
ComponentMaintenanceCycle | Text | Maintenance Cycle (optional) |
ComponentEAN | Text | European article number (optional) |
ComponentPurchaseDate | Date | Purchase Date (optional) |
ComponentInstallationDate | Date | Installation Date (optional) |
ComponentWarrantyContract | Text | Warranty Contract (optional) |
ComponentWarrantyEnds | Date | End of Warranty (optional) |
ComponentKnownIssues | Text | Known Issues (optional) |
ComponentMacAddress | Text | Mac address (optional) |
ComponentReverseMounting | Integer | Reverse mounting (0=no, 1=yes) (otional) |
ComponentValue | Floating-point number | Component value (optional) |
ComponentDepreciationDate | Date | Depreciation date (optional) |
ComponentFQDN | Text | Fully qualified domain name (optional) |
ComponentOS | Text | Operating system (optional) |
ComponentConfiguration | Text | Configuration (optional) |
ComponentResponsibleContact | Text | Responsible Contact (optional) |
ComponentURL | Text | URL (optional) |
ComponentExternalRef | Tex | External Reference (optional) |
ParentComponentName | Text | Parent component name (must be unique in its room, can be left empty) |
SlotName | Text | Slot name |
PortName | Text | Port name |
InletDefName | Text | Inlet's component definition name (must match catalog) |
InletName | Text | Inlet name |
CustomString1 (to 8) | Text | Custom Text fields |
CustomInteger1 (and 2) | Integer | Custom Integer Fields |
CustomDate1 (and 2) | Date | Custom Date Fields |
CustomFloat1 (and 2) | Floating-point number | Custom Floating-point number Fields |