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This pages describes how to tag components in Pathfinder.

Open the manage tags dialog window from the component context menu or properties.[purpose of this dialog window]

You can manage assigned tags on components and component ports here.

Table of Contents

Manage Tags

In the manage tags dialog window, you can add, delete and edit tag information for components and ports.

View Tags on Components

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Tags in Network Path View

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In Pathfinder tags can be inherited, i.e. it is possible to assign a VLAN to a port, which is then passed on through the entire network path and assigned to all devices connected to this port. Thanks to inheritance, it is possible to determine which VLAN a device belongs to, with just a few clicks. 

First define VLAN tags as usual and assign them to the ports by drag&drop. You can also assign multiple VLANs to one port.

Now open the tag management via the context menu (right click).

The tags are marked with an for "is inherited" or an for "assigned locally". Click a mark to switch it to the other.


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Pathfinder enables you to permanently display or hide inherited properties. To do this, open the context menu by right click and select View→Tags and then Show tags at ports or Show inherited tags. Inherited tags will be displayed lightly hatched.


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ColumnThrough the use of inherited tags it is now easy to see, which VLAN a component belongs to. They are also visible in the network path, as well as in reports.

When creating a tag, you can select between local only tags and inherited tags.

Local only tags are denoted with an O.

Inherited tags are denoted with an X.

Local tags are tags specific to one port only, while inherited tags are adopted by all ports in the connection.

Click on OK to confirm your tags and close the manage tags dialog window.

View Tags on Components

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You can enable or disable the tag information displayed on the components and ports from the rack’s context menu. Right click outside the rack perimeters to open the context menu. From the context menu, select View and go to Tags you can check the fields to display tags and inherited tags respectively.

Tags in Network Path View

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All tags, inherited tags and VLANs are displayed in the network path of a connection.

The local tag for the Cisco switch is inherited through out the network path, to the data outlet.

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